Suodatusperuste: akrojooga
Turku Acroyoga Festival 19.-20.10.2024
– 20. lokak.

Turku Acroyoga Festival 19.-20.10.2024

A full weekend filled with acroyoga. There’s something for everyone, whether you’re a complete beginner or someone with more acroyoga experience, and whether you’re joining by yourself or with a partner.

We'll have a variety of open level and more advanced classes in washing machines, whips, slackro, pops, dancy acroyoga, hand to hand workshops, and much more!

Näytä tapahtuma →

Turku Acroyoga Festival 29.-31.3.2024
– 31. maalisk.

Turku Acroyoga Festival 29.-31.3.2024

Acroyoga Festival in Finland focusing mainly on L-basing skills for us who love and can't get enough of acroyoga!

We'll have a variety of beginner, intermediate and open level classes in washing machines, whips, slackro, pops, dancy acroyoga, hand to hand workshops, much more and some thaiyoga massage and therapeutics too!

Näytä tapahtuma →
Turku Acroyoga Festival 20.-22.10.
– 22. lokak.

Turku Acroyoga Festival 20.-22.10.

A full weekend filled with acroyoga. There’s something for everyone, whether you’re a complete beginner or someone with more acroyoga experience, and whether you’re joining by yourself or with a partner.

We'll have a variety of beginner, intermediate and open level classes in washing machines, whips, slackro, pops, dancy acroyoga, hand to hand workshops, much more and some thaiyoga massage and therapeutics too!

Näytä tapahtuma →